A day that you just want to spend in bed

The Inuyasha Chapter will be late. It will mostly be put up tomorrow or on Monday. The last few months, I have been struggling with myself and everything in my life. The Chapter hasn’t helped me much today.

I will get it out to you.

I want to say promise but it feels like I’m just being a hypocrite when I do. I’m not even sure if I can keep a promise like that right now. I feel so different and hollow somedays.

Today is my boyfriend’s birthday and I’m going to bake a cake for him. I want to make today a special one for him. I want to smile and be happy yet I don’t feel like me.

The anxiety is almost constant some days and just don’t stop. I don’t even know how to make it stop besides reading a book. But I can’t constantly drop everything to read so I feel okay.

So often I’m told that I’m so positive that I make others feel better. I don’t feel positive today and I don’t want to write.

I just want to read and relax, to be me.

I’m telling you all this because mental health is important and I need to work on mine. I have been slowly since the death of my dog.

I’ll get back to being me, it will just be slow. That’s okay because my happiness like yours matters.

So I’m sorry about the chapter but I’m not sorry about taking sometime to just be me.